Aren't these Victorian earrings gorgeous! They were the very first pair in my collection. I am always amazed when I see a pair of Victorian earrings. Not only for their beauty, but for the simple fact that they have remained "a pair" for over 100 years! I cannot tell you how many times over the last 40 years that I have purchased a new pair of earrings, only to lose one shortly there after. How many times have you swept the hair off of your face and tucked it behind your ear, only to realize..."Uh Oh! I have lost my earring!" I hate when that happens. That is why I think that pairs of antique earrings will become increasingly harder to come by. Below are some beautiful examples of single Victorian earrings from my collection, that have sadly lost their mates.
This is one of my favorite single Victorian earrings. This beautiful gold bird sitting on a two toned gold crescent moon and holding a diamond. I have always had high hopes that I would find a mate for it. It would actually make a beautiful ring or pendant.
Here is another grouping from my collection. They are beautiful, but lonely. That is a pair on the left, but one earring is missing the top with it's wire.
This group is gorgeous! I would LOVE to have complete pairs of these earrings.
Here is an example of one complete earring and just the top of the other. It really would make a lovely pendant or charm for a bracelet. All done in green, pink and yellow gold with turquoise. Very delicate and dainty.
Here we have one single earring in the center, surrounded by beautiful top pieces from earrings.
This grouping would actually look beautiful hanging from a charm bracelet. Maybe with some pearls thrown into the mix. Being an optimist, I always hold out hope that I will find a mate for these beauties...somewhere...out this big world! What are your ideas for single earrings? I would love to hear about some of the creative things that you have done with them! Post your comments below. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Happy Collecting!
For more antique and vintage jewelry, please visit my shop.
Wicked Darling
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